About the Portworx on Kubernetes category

This category of topics cover all questions related installing and operating Portworx on Kubernetes clusters including On-premise Kubernetes distributions as well as cloud-based managed kubernetes services.



If you wish to get an overview of using Portworx on Kubernetes (Kubernetes Training), start with these interactive tutorials. These serve as a playground for you to get an idea about the capabilities of Portworx without having to install it in your cluster.

Key-value store

Portworx uses a key-value store for it’s clustering metadata. Please have a clustered key-value database (etcd or consul) installed and ready. For etcd installation instructions please refer to this doc.


At least one of the Portworx nodes should have extra storage available, in a form of unformatted partition or a disk-drive.

Storage devices explicitly given to Portworx will be automatically formatted by PX.

Shared mounts

If you are running Docker v1.12, you must configure Docker to allow shared mounts propagation (see instructions). Higher versions of Docker do not need to be reconfigured.


Ensure ports 9001-9015 are open between the nodes that will run Portworx.


Ensure all nodes running Portworx are time-synchronized, and NTP service is configured and running.

Container runtimes

Kubernetes uses Container Runtime Interface (CRI) to work with various Container engines. Starting with Portworx v1.7, one can use either Docker or Containers container runtimes. Portworx versions older than 1.7 support only the default Docker container runtime. .

Thanks and Regards,
Lavanya Sreepada.