Attempt to use k8s-CRI as container handler failed" error="rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown service runtime.v1alpha2.RuntimeService"

I’m install Portworx and got problem with cri-o K8S, install on Ubuntu 20.04
it shows error detail is : Attempt to use k8s-CRI as container handler failed" error="rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown service runtime.v1alpha2.RuntimeService"

kubectl -n portworx logs -f px-cluster-0d8d604e-51ec-491f-8436-bd97f04fb25b-4nj6q
Defaulted container “portworx” out of: portworx, csi-node-driver-registrar
time=“2023-06-01T02:35:19Z” level=info msg=“Input arguments: /px-oci-mon -c px-cluster-0d8d604e-51ec-491f-8436-bd97f04fb25b -x kubernetes -b -s /dev/sdb -secret_type k8s --oem esse”
time=“2023-06-01T02:35:19Z” level=info msg=“Updated arguments: /px-oci-mon -c px-cluster-0d8d604e-51ec-491f-8436-bd97f04fb25b -x kubernetes -b -s /dev/sdb -secret_type k8s” install-opts=–upgrade
time=“2023-06-01T02:35:19Z” level=info msg=“OCI-Monitor computed version v2.13.5-g48dfdaf6-dirty”
time=“2023-06-01T02:35:19Z” level=info msg=“REAPER: Starting …”
time=“2023-06-01T02:35:19Z” level=info msg=“Service handler initialized via as DBus{type:dbus,svc:portworx.service,id:0xc00000d5d8}”
time=“2023-06-01T02:35:19Z” level=info msg=“Setting up container handler”
time=“2023-06-01T02:35:19Z” level=info msg=“Locating my container handler”
time=“2023-06-01T02:35:19Z” level=info msg=“> Attempt to use Docker as container handler failed, trying next…” error=“/var/run/docker.sock not a socket-file”
time=“2023-06-01T02:35:19Z” level=info msg=“> Attempt to use ContainerD as container handler failed, trying next…” error=“stat /run/containerd/containerd.sock: no such file or directory”
time=“2023-06-01T02:35:19Z” level=info msg=“> Attempt to use k8s-CRI as container handler failed” error=“rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown service runtime.v1alpha2.RuntimeService”
time=“2023-06-01T02:35:19Z” level=error msg=“Could not instantiate container client” error=“could not initialize container handler”
Usage: /px-oci-mon [options]
–endpoint ip:port Start REST service at specific endpoint
–dev Deploy PX-Developer rather than PX-Enterprise build
–sync Will issue sync operation before stopping/restarting the PX-OCI service
–log Will use logfile instead of Docker-log
–ignore-preexec-fail Will ignore failed Pre/Post -exec scriplets
–disable-service-log Disables following portworx-service log
–max-log-lines <#> Specify number of log-lines when flushing portworx service logs
–cnthandler Force a container handler ( is docker or containerd)
–svcandler Force a service handler ( is dbus, dbusp, nssysd or nsups)
–debug Increase logs-verbosity to debug-level
Any additional options will be passed on to px-runc
NOTE that any options not explicitly listed above, will be passed directly to px-runc.
For details please see
time=“2023-06-01T02:35:19Z” level=error msg=“Could not talk to Docker/Containerd/CRI: could not initialize container handler - please ensure ‘/var/run/docker.sock’, ‘/run/containerd/containerd.sock’ or ‘/var/run/crio/crio.sock’ are mounted.”

It’s using
kubernetes : 1.27.2
cri-o RuntimeVersion: 1.27.0
Portworx version: 2.13

Anyone can help ?

Are you using px daemonset or px operator to install the portworx ? and how did you generate px spec yaml file? and can you share the spec file?

If you using for example, RKE , k3s or any other k8s provider, use below command to get the correct version and generate the correct px spec yml file.

kubectl version --short | awk -Fv ‘/Server Version: / {print $3}’

… px YAML-generation will use the version’s extension ( +k3s1 ) to add the appropriate tweaks into the YAML. These K3S-specific tweaks are currently missing in your deployment, which is likely root-cause for PX deployment failure.

thanks for your information,
I using px operator to install the portworx . it generates from central portworx
this is my command

kubectl apply -f ‘

kubectl apply -f ‘

And checking k8s version by

bongbk@bomaster:~$ kubectl version --short | awk -Fv ‘/Server Version: / {print $3}’
Flag --short has been deprecated, and will be removed in the future. The --short output will become the default.