Failed to provision internal kvdb: Make sure the drives are cleaned up before reinstalling on this node."

Portworx fails when I use “use existing disks” option to generate the StorageCluster spec and then use it to deploy Portworx(using the operator method):

failed to provision internal kvdb: failed in initializing drives on this node: scan found drives [/dev/sda] from previous installation: found a drive /dev/sda which is initialize with node id . Make sure the drives are cleaned up before reinstalling on this node."

How do I cleanup the nodes. I’m able to exec to the portworx container but not able to run wipe commands.

sh-4.4# /opt/pwx/bin/pxctl service node-wipe
Error: Node is not down and is expected to be down for this operation. Please stop Portworx and try again.

Hi Abhinav,

You need to edit your storagespec and add the line and then delete the storageCluster, that will make sure any previous install on disk will be wiped out.

    type: UninstallAndWipe
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