Portworx Kubernetes Kafka Configuration


I am configuring HA Kafka on Portworx and encounter the readiness probe failed error.

I created Kafka based on the menu How to Run HA Kafka with Rancher Kubernetes Engine - Portworx

and I can successfully build the zookeeper with three pod 1/1 status running.

However, I cannot bring up the Kafka pod kafka-0 and when I type kubectl describe pod kafka-0. It shows readiness probe failed. The preceding steps to build kafka-cli works completely fine as well.

The outcome of kubectl describe kafka-0
Warning Unhealthy 3m17s (x60 over 13m) kubelet Readiness probe failed:

There is no clue after “:”…

I have no idea why only kafka-0 cannot up. Does anyone has clue for it?

The pod is running on the kubernetes with ubuntu 18.04(kernel version: 4.15.0-147-generic) as the base OS.

Thanks in advance.

@lindaorny Can you check if there is anything in kafka-0 pod logs