Portworx & Portworx-Elastic install on DC/OS in Strict Mode

If you have DC/OS installed in Strict mode then you need to follow the below steps to deploy portworx or portworx-elastic

All steps needs to be performed where you have your dcos cli installed


  • Login to all you private nodes and add the following entry in /etc/sudoers file at the end of file

Defaults:nobody !requiretty

  • Install dcos enterprise cli, if not already installed

dcos package install --cli dcos-enterprise-cli

Download the script and run it : portworx.sh , this will create a Principal user and secret to run the portworx service and grant necessary permissions.

This script needs to be run twice and then proceed from the DC/OS UI.

Once you have run the script, Open the Catlog and search for Portworx, select and proceed, copy the json content and modify as per you requirement.

“service”: {
“name”: “portworx”,
“user”: “root”,
“principal”: “portworx-principal”,
“pre_reserved_role”: “”,
“secret_name”: “portworx/mesos-auth-secret”,
“mesos_api_version”: “V1”,
“task_failure_timeout_minutes”: 5
“node”: {
“portworx_cluster”: “sam-6-portworx-dcos”,
“portworx_image”: “portworx/px-enterprise:2.0.3”,
“portworx_port_range_start”: 9001,
“portworx_options”: “-a -x mesos -d ens3 -m ens3”,
“internal_kvdb”: true,
“kvdb_servers”: “”,
“container_parameters”: “”,
“count”: 3,
“placement_constraint”: “hostname:UNIQUE”
“secrets”: {
“enabled”: false,
“base_path”: “”,
“dcos_username_secret”: “portworx/dcos_username”,
“dcos_password_secret”: “portworx/dcos_password”
“etcd”: {
“enabled”: false,
“proxy_enabled”: false,
“placement_constraint”: “hostname:UNIQUE”,
“image”: “mesosphere/etcd-mesos:latest”,
“cpus”: 0.3,
“mem”: 1024,
“disk_type”: “ROOT”,
“disk_size”: 5120,
“node_advertise_port”: 1026,
“node_peer_port”: 1027,
“proxy_advertise_port”: 2379
“lighthouse”: {
“enabled”: true,
“placement_constraint”: “”,
“public_agent”: true,
“cpus”: 0.3,
“mem”: 1024,
“image”: “portworx/px-lighthouse:2.0.1”,
“webui_port”: 8085,
“company_name”: “Portworx”,
“admin_username”: “admin”

You need to modify Cluster name and -d -m parameter (You have to chose your ifcae)

Download the script and run it : portworx-elastic.sh , this will create a Principal user and secret to run the portworx-elastic service and grant necessary permissions.

This script needs to be run twice and then proceed from the DC/OS UI.

  • Go to DC/OS UI Catlog and search for portworx-elastic, Select Review and Run.

Fill the following information which we created with the script:
Service Account : portworx-elastic
Service Account Secret : portworx-elastic/mesos-auth-secret
User: nobody

  • Click Review & Run.
  • Verify once install is complete.

You can find the updated posts: