Error: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume with error: Unknown/Unhandled OS type

Yes sharedv4 will be the right kind of volume if you want to access the volume from outside the kubernetes cluster. This forum post will guide you on how to do it:

Also if you plan to do this only during a maintenance window you can convert a regular RWO volume into a sharedv4 (RWX) volume. The following commands can be used to update a volume type when the volume is Not Attached (Not in Use)

## To turn on sharedv4

/opt/pwx/bin/pxctl volume update --sharedv4=on <vol-id>

## Perform maintenance and access the volume outside of k8s

## Once maintenance is done turn the volume back into a regular volume
## To turn off sharedv4 

/opt/pwx/bin/pxctl volume update --sharedv4=off <vol-id>