Pxd docker volume became local after host restart


After restart of the host, the porworx backed docker volume (type pxd) became local and cannot access the data. On another host, the volume and data is ok. How can I fix docker volume type?

The volume on the “bad” node:

docker volume inspect prometheus_vl
        "CreatedAt": "2020-02-13T07:41:53Z",
        "Driver": "local",
        "Labels": null,
        "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/prometheus_vl/_data",
        "Name": "prometheus_vl",
        "Options": null,
        "Scope": "local"

The volume on the “good” node:

docker volume inspect prometheus_vl
        "CreatedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "Driver": "pxd",
        "Labels": {},
        "Mountpoint": "",
        "Name": "prometheus_vl",
        "Options": {
            "block_size": "64",
            "fs": "ext4",
            "name": "prometheus_vl",
            "repl": "2",
            "shared": "1",
            "size": "100"
        "Scope": "global"

And the pwx volume info:

pxctl volume inspect prometheus_vl
Volume  :  1068279827754234208
        Name                     :  prometheus_vl
        Size                     :  100 GiB
        Format                   :  ext4
        HA                       :  2
        IO Priority              :  HIGH
        Creation time            :  Dec 26 12:04:39 UTC 2019
        Shared                   :  yes
        Status                   :  up
        State                    :  Attached: 5224fba8-4080-407d-8d30-5a87dedd5f1c (
        Device Path              :  /dev/pxd/pxd1068279827754234208
        Labels                   :  name=prometheus_vl
        Reads                    :  9665
        Reads MS                 :  26240
        Bytes Read               :  938237952
        Writes                   :  3229
        Writes MS                :  79484
        Bytes Written            :  1219780608
        IOs in progress          :  0
        Bytes used               :  24 GiB
        Replica sets on nodes:
                Set 0
                  Node           : (Pool 23c2f13b-235d-4bfc-8eb7-0f3831f3b760 )
                  Node           : (Pool 0877b992-3f2a-49f0-b0c9-52219f92daec )
        Replication Status       :  Up

In this data, the volume appears attached on the “bad” node.