Read-only file system error starting Portworx containers after install

I’ve just installed Portworx essentials on my GKS cluster using a spec from the PX portal - I see a CrashLoopBackOff for the containers and when I describe one, it gets as far as ‘Created container portworx’, then I see:
Error: failed to start container “portworx”: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path ‘/opt/pwx’: mkdir /opt/pwx: read-only file system

Any help much appreciated?



For Google Kubernetes you need make sure you select “Ubuntu” as the worker node type, this is the only one supported by Portworx.



Thanks Alex - I now realise that’s right at the top of the install page, but somehow missed it! I’ll give that a bash.


Sorry to trouble you again - I’m using an Ubuntu based cluster now and have got further (the main portworx containers are running), but have another permissions related error when I check the portworx cluster health:

Failed to start Portworx: Authentication error: googleapi: Error 403: Request had insufficient authentication scopes.
More details:
Reason: insufficientPermissions, Message: Insufficient Permission
Reason: insufficientPermissions, Message: Insufficient Permission

NODE NfsDependencyNotEnabled gke-website-cluster-default-pool-1fcc4ba4-cl2q ALARM 1Aug 6 20:57:49 UTC 2020 Aug 6 20:57:49 UTC 2020 Could not enable NFS service

NODE NfsDependencyInstallFailure gke-website-cluster-default-pool-1fcc4ba4-cl2q ALARM 1Aug 6 20:57:49 UTC 2020 Aug 6 20:57:49 UTC 2020 Could not install NFS service: Command ‘DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -yq dbus nfs-common rpcbind nfs-kernel-server’ failed: exit status 100

The account I used to create the cluster is account owner and I’ve run the
clusterrolebinding command granting cluster-admin rights.

Any ideas what I’m missing?


Looks like the user/service account you are using to deploy Portworx does not have authorization to install the NFS packages.
Could you please double check the permissions and make sure all these are included?

  • Compute Admin
  • Service Account User
  • Kubernetes Engine Cluster Viewer