Failed to load PX filesystem dependencies for kernel 5.11.0-43-generic

I have installed portworx before on other systems, however, this time I’m not able understand the issue and resolve it.

I have Ubuntu 20.04.3 running and downgraded the kernel to 5.4.0-91-generic as it appears that this is supported by portworks and I found the related kernel module here.

However, when I tun sudo /opt/pwx/bin/px-runc run command to see the logs and try to understand what is happening I get the following logs …

PXPROCS[INFO]: lttng is not running. Starting without it...                                                                                                 
PXPROCS[INFO]: Started px-storage with pid 2879                                                                                                             
bash: connect: Connection refused                                                                                                                           
bash: /dev/tcp/localhost/9009: Connection refused                                                                                                           
PXPROCS[INFO]: px-storage not started yet...sleeping                                                                                                        
PXPROCS[INFO]: Failed to start px-storage, exiting...                                                                                                       
2021-12-28 13:12:32,555 INFO exited: pxdaemon (exit status 252; not expected)                                                                               
2021-12-28 13:12:33,561 INFO spawned: 'pxdaemon' with pid 2886                                                                                              
Starting as an IOFlusher process : /usr/local/bin/                                                                           
Process with PID 2886, is a IO Flusher                                                                                                                      

When I run pxctl status I get …

Failed to load PX filesystem dependencies for kernel 5.11.0-43-generic

Which is confusing since, this is not my kernel …

$ uname -a
Linux basementtv 5.4.0-91-generic #102-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 5 16:31:28 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux