Unable to register cluster: Put "https://pxessentials.portworx.com/osb/billing/v1/register": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority


I’m getting the following status

[root@kube01 anchors]# /opt/pwx/bin/pxctl status
Status: PX is operational
Telemetry: Disabled or Unhealthy
License: PX-Essential (ERROR: License is expired, Failed to register cluster with PX-Central)
Node ID: 8ccb2b62-2f47-4f73-b909-b4c183f19987
        Local Storage Pool: 1 pool
        0       LOW             raid0           80 GiB  6.0 GiB Online  default default
        Local Storage Devices: 1 device
        Device  Path                            Media Type              Size            Last-Scan
        0:1     /dev/mapper/pxdatavg-pxdatalv   STORAGE_MEDIUM_MAGNETIC 80 GiB          10 May 22 09:36 CEST
        total                                   -                       80 GiB
        Cache Devices:
         * No cache devices
        Kvdb Device:
        Device Path                     Size
        /dev/mapper/pxkvdbvg-pxkvdblv   24 GiB
         * Internal kvdb on this node is using this dedicated kvdb device to store its data.
Cluster Summary
        Cluster ID: px-cluster-523fd839-bd9e-4203-8e7e-3a60e176c7c7
        Cluster UUID: b4f66bba-9149-476b-b844-409c31233a7c
        Scheduler: kubernetes
        Nodes: 4 node(s) with storage (4 online)
        IP              ID                                      SchedulerNodeName       Auth            StorageNode     Used    Capacity        Status  StorageStatus   Version         Kernel                  OS    fddfe1cb-9867-4c7d-8423-fcadde807c67    kube04                  Disabled        Yes             6.0 GiB 80 GiB          Online  Up              2.10.0-352f52a  3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64  Oracle Linux Server 7.9   eeb57626-a05a-451e-8bb7-a336f01b4366    kube03                  Disabled        Yes             6.0 GiB 80 GiB          Online  Up              2.10.0-352f52a  3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64  Oracle Linux Server 7.9   ab51f91f-2b48-4020-8b7a-aff29b37c154    kube02                  Disabled        Yes             6.0 GiB 80 GiB          Online  Up              2.10.0-352f52a  3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64  Oracle Linux Server 7.9   8ccb2b62-2f47-4f73-b909-b4c183f19987    kube01                  Disabled        Yes             6.0 GiB 80 GiB          Online  Up (This node)  2.10.0-352f52a  3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64  Oracle Linux Server 7.9
Global Storage Pool
        Total Used      :  24 GiB
        Total Capacity  :  320 GiB

The error reported in pod’s logs and portworx alert is

CLUSTER MeteringAgentCritical                                                           ALARM           1       May 10 07:36:57 UTC 2022        May 10 07:36:57 UTC 2022        Unable to register cluster: Put "https://pxessentials.portworx.com/osb/billing/v1/register": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

Portworx tries to access URL : “https://pxessentials.portworx.com/osb/billing/v1/register” to perform the registration but it fails.

I’m using an HTTP corporate proxy (zscaler) for an airgapped installation. the SSL certificatate of my proxy is:

  • properly loaded in /etc/pki on my kubernetes nodes (tested with curl)
  • properly loaded in /etc/pki on the portworx pod (tested also with curl)

It seems portworx is not using the zscaler CA certificate located in truststore. Only the proxy address and ports are used. Do i need to put my CA certificate in a specific location in order it can be considered properly by portworx?

Logs showing the curl is working is using the HTTP_PROXY/HTTPS_PROXY environment:

[root@kube01 anchors]# k exec -it portworx-pl4wh -- bash
Defaulting container name to portworx.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/portworx-pl4wh -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
[root@kube01 /]# ls /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/zscaler.pem
[root@kube01 /]# update-ca-trust
[root@kube01 /]#
[root@kube01 /]# set | grep PROXY
[root@kube01 /]# export HTTPS_PROXY=
[root@kube01 /]# export HTTP_PROXY=
[root@kube01 /]# curl https://pxessentials.portworx.com/osb/billing/v1/register
[root@kube01 /]# *(no  output means it's working properly here)*
[root@kube01 /]# 

Some more output, from the kubernetes pod:

[root@kube01 anchors]# curl https://pxessentials.portworx.com/osb/ping
{"status":"pong","message":"PX-OSB is UP and running"}

Likely, you have another PX cluster in action: “The above alert indicates that there exists another registered PX-Essentials cluster”

source: PX-Essentials license is expired


Hi Srini,

Thanks for your reply.
Unfortunely, no, i have never registered any cluster. This is my first try with portworx (POC) :


Entitlement id : 5bda564d-787e-11ec-b486-7287e80c8e63

The alert is clearly saying : “Unable to register cluster: Put “https://pxessentials.portworx.com/osb/billing/v1/register”: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority”