Portworx Enterprise 2.8.0 is now GA

We are very pleased to announce that 2.8.0 is now GA . This release includes several new features and improvements as well as key bug fixes. Here is the list of key features and improvements:

New features


Portworx has upgraded or enhanced functionality in the following areas:

Improvement Number Improvement Description
PWX-20720 Portworx now supports SharedV4 volumes on VMware Photon hosts
PWX-20131 You can now resize disk pools with disks of size 32TiB on Azure for up to 32TiB.
PWX-20060 The Portworx spec generator now creates the GA/v1 API version of the CSI VolumeSnapshot CRDs.
PWX-18845 Portworx now supports Amazon General Purpose SSD volumes (gp3).
PWX-10281 The Portworx CSI driver now supports Raw Block volumes for RWO PVCs.
PWX-20102 Licensing improvement: Autopilot licenses are now automatically included with all Portworx Enterprise licenses, including floating licenses.
PWX-19553 Alerts now bypass the API queue. As a result, pxctl will still show alerts even when the API queue is full.
PWX-19496 Kubernetes PVCs will now get created by the CopyOnWrite on demand setting by default.
PWX-19340 Volumes can now be tagged for automatic fstrim during volume create and/or volume update.
PWX-19320 Portworx CSI Driver volumes will now be rounded up to the nearest GiB to match the Portworx in-tree volume plugin. This change only occurs for new volumes and volume size updates.
PWX-20803 Added photon support for pool caching. Portworx will try to install the required packages if enabled.
PWX-20527 The maximum number of cloud drives per node (not per pool) has increased from 12 to 32. Note that specific cloud providers may impose their own limits (remaining at 12), and that there are still limits per pool that may come into effect sooner.
PWX-20423 Sharedv4 Export Options Improvements: The storage class option export_options can now take any NFS export option as a comma separated list of strings. Portworx will apply those export options on the node where the volume is attached and exported over NFS.
PWX-20204 For cloud drive, the requirement to specify skip_deprecation has been removed and users can now use the pxctl sv drive add command without that.
PWX-18529 Portworx will now report back home in trial license installations

Full list of details on features and key fixes are described here